News Uk explainer video - case study

News Uk explainer video - case study

We were approached by News UK to create an explanatory video for the print and mobile channels of their brands – The Times, Sunday Times, and The Sun.

News UK studies debunked a widely believed myth about the way people read online. They discovered that whether people read their news on paper or glass, they tend to read it in pretty much the same way. Whatever device they’re reading on, it’s the content that matters.

This insight changed the way News UK approaches advertising: it’s not about print first, or digital first. It’s about putting the audience first.

Our Approach: The client provided us with the script, and we began our work by initially examining the elements of the News UK logo and analysing their core brand identity. A good understanding of the brand enables us to create something that’s unique and reflects the look and feel of each client’s company. As the logo is at the core of the brand, we decided to incorporate the slashes from the News 3.0 logo throughout the animation to narrate the story.

The concept was then brought to life on a storyboard. Storyboards are an excellent way to demonstrate how stories flow, ensuring that the end result translates into an engaging explainer video that effectively communicates the message. This is the stage where we define colours. In this case, we chose a minimal colour palette of dark grey and blue – the brand colours.

Our approach to visuals emphasises that each element used on the screen must serve a purpose to support the story. Nothing should distract the viewer’s attention; instead, each element should reinforce the message.

Once the storyboard was approved, we proceeded to create the final artwork. Here, the sketches took their final shape. We create our artwork digitally to ensure a high-quality end product, enabling the client to utilise the various illustrations across different media platforms.

Voice, artwork, and music come together in the final stage – animation. We created a whiteboard animation, combining hand-drawn elements with motion graphics.

Results: This explanatory video, featured on the client’s homepage, has been viewed by thousands of people and has directly contributed to a boost in sales.

“Many thanks for this; we are really happy with the animation. The video is loved by everyone. Great work!” – Sandra Tinker, News UK