From bullet points to presentation

From bullet points to presentation

Get your message across faster

In a time where attention spans are a rare commodity bullet pointed powerpoint presentations are becoming more and more ineffectual and, we feel, should by now be extinct. It is our strong belief that by translating messages into engaging visuals we can help facilitate communication and get your message across faster and better – people understand pictures without having to read words, and more importantly people remember pictures more than they do words. Our drawing skills and design expertise help us transform our clients’ presentations into engaging experiences.

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Our Approach

The first thing we did was to reduce the number of bullet points. We listened carefully to our client’s story – with our years of experience in communication and the fact that we were ‘outside’ the problem it was therefore easy to identify the key messages that would form the basis of our illustrations. Our objective was to create the “Patient of the Future” and explain how modern technologies can help people have healthier lives. Once the most important bullet points were highlighted we used them to create a rough layout. While our client talked we drew quick sketches generating a ‘collaborative lab’ in the room. Clients bring their expertise and we add our unique vision – and it is this combination that results in a very efficient and fun way to work. After creating the initial draft, we decided which style and colours best told the story (usually the client’s brand colours). After these preparations our scribe drew the final illustrations on big A1 boards. Et Voila! The client loved it – it happened in front of their eyes and they were able to give us feedback there and then. These live sessions allow us to facilitate the ultimate collaborative process.

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The Result

The presentation was very successful. Live scribing your bullet points and powerpoint slides is a way to create a unique and remarkable experience for your audience. Ultimately you can communicate your message faster and better.